Provide UAV Pilot License Training Services
Cultivate Flight Elites

Relying on the GDU's rich experience in drone application, GDU is committed to providing high-quality drone training services, customizing personalized training courses according to students learning progress, and ensuring students pass the exam, after passing the course, we provide follow-up services to students and provide employment guidance.

College Advantages

Authoritative Certification, Professional Training
Authorized by CAAC and approved by AOPA, GDU is the UAV application service and training unit.


AOPA Qualified

Shenzhen UAV Industry Association


An Experienced Faculty Team

Targeted teaching by professional teachers Instructors have extensive industry application and practical experience One-on-one guidance

Professional Training Base

15000㎡ outdoor flight training grounds
200㎡ indoor simulation classroom
Complete teaching equipment

Training Objectives

Theoretical Regulations Familiar with UAV system theory knowledge and civil aviation regulations
Assembly &Test Proficient in UAV system assembly and test skills
Flight Skills Proficient in drone flying skills
Industrial Applications Mastering sufficient application skills in drone industry
UAV License Get UAV license through examination

Training Cases

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